lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


Hacía un tiempo que no recomendábamos lecturas, más allá de las que pueden verse en el margen izquierdo de esta bitácora, pero en esta ocasión hay buenos artículos por ahí:

  • Nuevas iglesias: El Vaticano desaprueba a los obispos italianos. En "L'Osservatore Romano" el cardenal Ravasi y el "arquitecto star" Paolo Portoghesi critican las nuevas construcciones sagradas hechas en Italia con el patrocinio de la Conferencia Episcopal, porque rompen con la tradición y deforman la liturgia. Un comentario de Timothy Verdon. (Sandro Magister)
  • Martin Mosebach in the US – Part I. On Sunday, January 30, Martin Mosebach spoke at the parish of Our Saviour, New York. A solemn high mass preceded his talk. We were heartened by the impressive turnout for both the mass and Mr. Mosebach’s talk. In attendance were numerous seminarians and clergy as well as some well-known represenative of various Catholic media. Mr Mosebach gave a forceful presentation on the Traditional liturgy: how it had been destroyed; its essential features; how it is being recovered; and its significance for the overall liturgical and spiritual life of the Church. The text of the original version of his talk (given at an Archdiocesan conference in Sri Lanka last year) can be found HERE. (Stuart Chessman, The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny)
  • First Valentine: Lasting legacy of 500-year-old love. Continue reading the main story. Love it or hate it, even the most hardened anti-Romeo will be hard pressed to avoid Valentine's Day this year. But as an exhibit at the British Library currently on show is testament to, there is a first for everything - even on Valentine's Day. It is a letter, written from a young woman to her love, and is the first mention of the word Valentine in the English language. And, for the first time, the descendants of Margery Brews and her betrothed John Paston have been traced. (Anna Browning, BBC News)
  • The Errors of the Economists: The Uselessness of Utility. Our current economic problems caught the economists unawares, and the few who did sound the warnings were ridiculed by their colleagues as Cassandras and doomsayers. But this professional myopia should not surprise us, since the same thing happened at the last crises, and the one before that, and the one before that, etc. The record of the economists in predicting crisis is perfect: they always get it wrong. Further, they can't seem to agree on any solutions; rather, we get a set of warring ideologies clothed as economic “science,” with a wealth of conflicting policy prescriptions. Clearly, this is a “science” in need of reconstruction. In this series, we tackle the basic errors of the economists, with a view to reconstructing the discipline along more scientific grounds, which is to say as a humane science concerned with the common good and the material provisioning of a just social order. (John Médaille, The Distributist Review)
  • La noble sencillez de las vestimentas litúrgicas. La tradición sapiencial bíblica aclama a Dios como “el mismo autor de la belleza” (Sab 13,3), glorificandolo por la grandeza y la belleza de las obras de la creación. El pensamiento cristiano, partiendo sobre todo de la Sagrada Escritura, pero también de la filosofía clásica como auxiliar, desarrolló la concepción de la belleza como categoría teológica. (Uwe Michael Lang, C.O., Zenit)


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