domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


 Undecimo Kalendas Maii. Luna decima. Cantuariae in Anglia, sancti Anselmi, episcopi, confessoris et Ecclesiae doctoris, qui, ex Augusta Praetoria oriundus, in monasterio Beccensi in Normannia monachus et dein abbas effectus, confratres docuit in procedere perfectionis et Deum intellectu fidei quaerere; postea ad insignem sedem Angliae Cantuariensem promotus, pro libertate Ecclesiae strenue decertauit atque molestias et exsilium perpessus est.

And the blessed Angels, so loveable in their innocence, are they not the choice work of Thy Fingers, O Wisdom of God? For on the day of their creation Thou didst deck them with an incorruptible vestiture for the work of Thy holy service. These are the living stars of the higher heaven, the lilies of the inner paradise, the rose-trees planted by the silent-flowing waters of Siloe, with their roots immovably fixed in Thee. O River of peace, O Breath of the garden of delights, O only Wisdom ranging round about the circling bourne of heaven; by Thee they shine, and burn, and glow in perfect wisdom, in virginal chastity, and in the ardours of a deathless love. Blooming in endless youth, they find in our weakness the sphere of their faithful service; for they lead us by the hand like tender guides, and direct our steps as we travel through this darksome world, and ward off the assaults of the enemy, and whisper to us the secrets of Thy will, and brace up our failing hearts to good, and carry up the incense of our prayers to the altar of gold, and always supplicate the Face of our merciful Father for us.  [Source]


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